Talent Assessment Tools

We offer a full range of talent assessment tools and psychometric tests, along with expert interpretation to meet a broad range of customer needs. 

A woman sitting at a table with a laptop.

At PCI, we don’t publish psychometric tests or create technology.  This gives us the freedom to select the best talent assessment tools and technology on the market.  Our psychologists continually evaluate the research behind the available online tools and the capabilities of different technology platforms.  When selecting tools to offer to our customers, we focus on strong psychometrics and technology platforms that are user-friendly.    

Click on the buttons below to learn more about the talent assessment tools that we offer.

Hogan assessments are backed by research, budget-friendly, and quick to administer.  Our experts help you to interpret the results so you can make better selection and development decisions.

You have three choices: an off-the-shelf 360, customized online 360 surveys, and interview-based.   

We have access to nearly 1000 psychometric assessments measuring everything from typing skills to emotional intelligence.  

Psychometric Assessment Tools

Psychometric assessments are scientific tools used to measure individuals’ cognitive abilities, motivations, and behavioral styles.  When used in hiring, they help you to evaluate a candidate’s suitability for a role based on the competencies required for a specific position.  When used for development, they increase self-awareness and help you to create targeted development plans.  

Psychometric Assessments: Science vs. Pseudo-science

When selecting a talent assessment tool, it’s important to know the difference between a sound psychometric test and one based on pseudo-science.  A sound psychometric test is developed through rigorous research to establish reliability and validity.  Conversely, most type indicators and personality surveys or aptitude tests that you can take online for free are based on pseudo-science.  They don’t reliably measure or accurately describe your personality or cognitive ability, so they have little utility for hiring or developing talent.  When you partner with us, we’ll let you know which tools to use to accurately measure your job-related competencies. 

Looking for a Custom Solution?

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