Leadership Coaching Services

Leadership coaching and coaching assessments delivered by psychologists using science-based approaches that activate lasting behavioral change. 

A woman sitting at her desk with a laptop.

Leadership Coaching as a Competitive Advantage

According to the International Coaching Federation, 86% of companies that measured the financial impact of leadership coaching experienced a Return on Investment. Some studies have shown over 700% ROI! Source  Because there is so much evidence of its positive business impact, the majority of organizations around the world are using leadership coaching. 

In fact, a recent study revealed that 72% of organizations offer some type of leadership coaching.  Another 23% would like to offer leadership coaching.  The most common reasons for not doing it are lack of budget and difficulty showing ROI.  Source  To stay competitive, HR leaders must overcome these common roadblocks so they can gain buy-in for investing in leadership coaching.  PCI is here to help you do just that. 

How We Help

Addressing Budget Constraints

Coaching Lite – This term was popularized by Walmart’s coaching program back in the 1990s.  The approach is intense at the start and followed up with shorter, less frequent check-ins/coaching sessions.  Research shows that for many outcomes, having < 5 coaching sessions produces the same or even better results than having 5 or more sessions.  With cost and time committed being lower without sacrificing effectiveness, it’s no wonder that Coaching Lite is our most popular option.  The coachee experience entails:

  1. Complete online psychometric tools measuring personality (the 5 factor model and derailers), leadership style, and critical thinking.
  2. Participate in a 1-hour interview with a PCI psychologist.
  3. Receive a custom-written developmental report written by the interviewing psychologist.
  4. Engage in a 1-hour assessment debrief and developmental planning session with the Psychologist/Coach.
  5. Commit to 30-minute check-ins/mini-coaching sessions, scheduled monthly or quarterly (total of 3 to 5 sessions is typical).

Remote Delivery – Research shows that face-to-face, telephone, video-conference and mixed approaches lead to similar results.  Our coaching is done remotely because it is just as effective and it costs less than onsite, face-to-face sessions.

Showing Return on Investment

2020 Global Coaching Study showed that evaluating the impact of coaching was the #1 ongoing challenge for most organizations. This is because there is no “one-size-fits-all” equation to measuring leadership coaching’s impact.

It has been proposed to focus on calculating Return on Expectations Training Magazine, which hinges on linking coaching to the relevant metrics and desired outcomes that matter for each organization.  These should be tied to your organization’s mission, values, and goals.

For instance, one positive result of coaching is improvement in employee engagement.  So, if this is one of your strategic goals, engagement would be measured pre- and post- coaching.  This can be done on a smaller scale (i.e., the leader and their direct reports complete a survey) or at the organizational level if a broader coaching program is in place.  

Before any coaching begins, we help you to:

  • Define your expected outcomes and how they tie to your mission, values, and goals.

  • Determine what metrics will be used to evaluate those outcomes and how they will be measured.

  • Communicate a consistent message to the coach, coachee, and key internal stakeholders on the purpose of the coaching, the expected outcomes, and how those will be measured.

Our Leadership Coaching Approach

Our coaches have a Master’s or Doctoral degree in industrial/organizational, clinical, or counseling psychology.  This education, combined with our knowledge of research and practical experience, differentiates us from many other coaches.  Read our executive coach bios here.

Due to our backgrounds, our coaches share a common approach that is grounded in the science of personality and behavior change.  We integrate cognitive-behavioral approaches with other proven methodologies, including those derived from the positive psychology literature (i.e., leveraging strengths) and solution-focused coaching (i.e., constructing solutions to achieve specific outcomes). Learn about the efficacy of these approaches. Read Post

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Learn how our leadership coaching can take your organization to new heights.