360 Feedback Tools

Empower your leaders, build your culture, and achieve your vision with a customized 360 feedback tool that combines people expertise with powerful technology.

A blue background with white string connected to many small cubes.

When done wrong, a 360 feedback process is a dreaded experience for leaders, a nightmare for administrators, and a waste of time and money due to the lack of actionable next steps. 

When done right, 360 feedback aligns with your talent strategy and is an efficient way to gather meaningful data and uncover rich insights that accelerate growth and reinforce your culture. 

Here’s how we help you do it right:

  • Learn about your organizational culture, values, and leadership competencies.
  • Advise on your communication strategy and alignment with other talent initiatives.
  • Apply our expertise in item writing, competency measurement, report design, and user experience to build your customized 360 feedback survey and report.
  • Listen to your feedback and use an iterative design process to reflect your culture and brand.
  • Administer the process from start to finish with the option to transfer it in-house.
  • Debrief reports with your leaders and train your HRBP’s how to do so.

People Expertise  

Our psychologists are subject matter experts in talent assessment. It’s all we do.


Powerful Technology

We leverage QuestionPro’s platform due to its unmatched functionality and flexibility. 

The Value-Add from 360 Feedback

When combined with potential and performance data, 360 feedback completes The Truth Triangle.  It’s called this because multiple sources of data lead to a more accurate picture of the person – how they are viewed, what they can do, and what they have done.

A triangle with three words inside it.

Potential is best measured with objective assessments.  It is the only piece that is forward-looking.

Performance can be measured with performance evaluations, talent review ratings, accomplishments, special assignments, etc.  

Perception is best measured using a 360 feedback tool.   

Talk with one of our organizational psychologists to learn how we can help you create a positive 360 feedback experience that delivers results.

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