RallyBright Team Assessments

Team assessments facilitated by a certified Administrator of the RallyBright Resilient Teams survey and digital platform to help you drive business results.

A group of people sitting around a table with papers.

How the RallyBright Resilient Teams Tool Helps

The RallyBright Resilient Teams tool is a true assessment of team functioning.  Every member of the team rates the team’s effectiveness on over 50 behaviors.  The team members do not rate their own performance or the performance of other individual team members.  This approach to team assessments depersonalizes issues and creates a safe space for analyzing and improving the team’s functioning.  PCI can facilitate interpretation of the survey results with the team leader and the entire team, and guide you toward establishing an action plan.  Additionally, issues created by the team leader, individual team members, or dyadic interactions may surface during discussions.  Your PCI facilitator can provide guidance and options to help you address these issues.  

A infographic showing how to improve and diagnose team members.

Why Resilience Matters

Teams that are resilient produce superior business results over a sustained period of time because they are made up of engaged, motivated and adaptable individuals who are mutually invested in one another and the larger purpose of the team.  

A graphic of the three different types of teams.

Process Overview

The RallyBright model is grounded in research showing that resilient teams are high on the 5 dimensions shown in the above graphic.  So, the first step is to understand your team’s current state on these dimensions.  The survey results will then allow you to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses within the team.  From there, you select 1 to 5 focus areas to work on.  It is recommended that 4 to 6 months later, you readminister the survey to assess progress and how close you are to becoming a resilient team.  

A graphic of the resilience teams roadmap

Ready to learn more about how to build resilient teams? 

You can also visit the RallyBright Website to learn more about the company.

A woman is sitting at the table and looking at her laptop.