
Leadership Development

A group of butterflies hanging from a branch.
Big 5 personality traits
by Deborah Bell

Can you change your personality?

For most of the Big Five domains Read More, the answer appears to be yes, but… It’s important to follow through! That was one of main findings of a recent study¹ that examined participants over a 15-week period. Individuals who accepted and completed a greater number of weekly behavioral challenges – which involved displaying specific, […]

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Leadership Development
by Deborah Bell

Motivating People to Act with More Integrity

Most people report that Integrity is an important value that is part of an individual’s character.  Fewer people may know that personality traits influence a person’s character and predict acts of Integrity (and low integrity) well.  One set of these traits falls under the Honesty/Humility domain in the HEXECO model of personality (which is subsumed […]

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Leadership Development
by Deborah Bell

The Skills Hi-Pos Need to Succeed in 2025

Top 10 Skills for 2025 According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report, 50% of all employees will need reskilling by 2025.  And, the vast majority of business leaders (94%) now expect employees to pick up new skills on the job – a sharp rise from 65% in 2018. Source   While everyone will need […]

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Leadership Development
by Deborah Bell

Evaluating Effectiveness of Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching is used by more than 70% of organizations and has been shown to yield impressive ROI (up to 778% in one study). Source Yet a recent survey indicated that demonstrating the effectiveness of coaching programs remains one of the biggest challenges for organizations Source.  One good source of information that can provide guidance into […]

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Leadership Development
by Deborah Bell

How to Build Change-Ready Teams

Everything that has a big impact on our lives – whether good or bad – emerges from ambiguity. It is the ambiguity, along with the accompanying unpredictability and lack of control, that triggers an emotional response when many organization’s announce that a change is coming – not the change itself. Individual Differences in Response to […]

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Leadership Development
by Deborah Bell

Developing Effective Leaders

The Best Predictors of Effective Leadership There has been much debate about whether leaders are born or made and more recently, about whether introverted leaders can be as effective as extraverted leaders. The research is clear: FACT: The Assertiveness aspect of Extraversion, which consists of Energy and Assertiveness facets, is indeed a strong predictor of […]

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Leadership Development
by Deborah Bell

PCI’s Developmental Assessment Process Overview

The below graphic depicts what the participant provides and receives when engaging in the developmental assessment process. The career path piece is gathered from the resume and during the interview. The personality, leadership style, and natural aptitudes pieces are measured with psychometric tools. The outputs are provided by one of our psychologists.

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Leadership Development
by Deborah Bell

How to Fill the Critical Skills Gap

In a McKinsey Global Study, some startling numbers were revealed by respondents around the globe: The study also looked at the strategies that organizations are using to address the skill gap. Some companies have started to address the skills gaps, and here’s what those respondents believe: Key take-aways from the study are: How to Decide […]

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Leadership Development
by Keith Francoeur

The Destructive Nature of Laissez-Faire Leadership

What comes to your mind when you think about toxic leadership?  Are you envisioning an arrogant tyrant who rules by fear?  While such an approach is indeed extremely harmful to others, research suggests that it is rare, and that a far more common form of destructive leadership is laissez-faire leadership¹.  Laissez-faire leadership occurs when an […]

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Leadership Development
by Keith Francoeur

Leadership Consideration: The Key to Success

In 1945, researchers at Ohio State University embarked on a 10-year program that would revolutionize our understanding of leadership.  The fruit of their labor was the identification of two independent domains of leadership behavior, which were later termed Consideration and Structure.  Leadership Consideration Consideration is the extent to which a leader: This dimension is also now […]

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