Author: Keith Francoeur

As Vice President, he is responsible for training and managing PCI’s global assessment team, designing and updating the assessment process (including the research and selection of the test battery and interview format), and handling custom competency mapping.

Employee Assessment Tests
by Keith Francoeur

Personality Assessments in the Workplace

Should personality assessments be used in the workplace?

The short answer is, “Absolutely!” There is an overwhelming amount of scientific research showing that personality predicts just about any outcome of interest to an organization. The below chart shows some of the many things you can predict by using personality assessments in the workplace. If you care about any of these outcomes, keep reading!

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Employee Assessment Tests
by Keith Francoeur

Big Five vs MBTI: No Contest

In 2013, Adam Grant wrote an article for Psychology Today called “Goodbye to MBTI, the Fad That Won’t Die.â€Â  Unfortunately, little progress has been made between then and now. So, here’s another attempt to resolve the Big 5 vs. MBTI debate. The Big Five There is overwhelming consensus among personality researchers that personality is hierarchically […]

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Employee Assessment Tests
by Keith Francoeur

Cognitive Ability and Job Performance: Sackett et al. Rebuttal  

Table of Contents The Big Debate: How well does cognitive ability predict job performance? Once hailed as the most valid predictor of job performance¹, especially for complex jobs, there has been a seismic shift in opinion on the usefulness of general cognitive ability measures relative to other selection tools. Some² have called for “…a reduced […]

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Employee Assessment Tests
by Keith Francoeur

Learning Agility: It’s not what you may think.

The concept of the jangle fallacy¹ has been around for almost 100 years, but it seems like we keep falling victim to it.  For those not familiar, it is a mistaken belief that two constructs are different because they have different names, when in fact they are the same or almost identical concept.  It had […]

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