Month: November 2024

Are Leaders Born or Made?
There’s been much debate for decades over the question, “Are leaders are born or made?”...

Big Five vs MBTI: No Contest
In 2013, Adam Grant wrote an article for Psychology Today called “Goodbye to MBTI, the...

Choosing an Executive Assessment Firm
We’ve heard many people say that all assessments are the same. But this is a...

Cognitive Ability and Job Performance: Sackett et al. Rebuttal
Table of Contents The Big Debate: How well does cognitive ability predict job performance? The...

Developing High Potentials
Top 10 High Potential Skills You can't start developing high potentials until you know what...

Deciding Which Employees to Upskill
Read about Upskilling best practices in this quick read that's based on data from a McKinsey...

10 Tips for Building a Competency Model
Having reviewed and created hundreds of competency models, we’ve seen very good and very bad...

Leadership Integrity and Personality
Most people would agree that leadership integrity is important, if not essential. When you think...